Introduction of Networks

2014/07/28 14:40

1) On the main interface of CCProxy, click the "Options" button (Figure 1-1).

CCProxy Options

Figure 1‑1

2) In the pop up "Configuration" dialogue box, click the "Advanced" button (Figure 1-2).


Figure 1‑2

3) In the pop up "Advanced" dialogue box, click the "Networks" tab (Figure 1-3).


Figure 1‑3

Enable SOCKS4: Whether enable SOCKS4 or not.

Disable External Users: Whether disable external users to use CCProxy or not. For the sake of security, it is advised to select the "Disable External Users" check box.

Web Sites for On-line Checking: To check whether the server could connect to the configured websites which could be modified accordingly.

Socket Idle Disconnect Minutes: To decide after the Internet has been left unused for how many minutes, CCProxy would disconnect automatically.

Server Bind IP Address: If there are multiple IPs in the server, you could select an IP address to bind with the server in the combo box.

Enable Multiple IPs Outgoing: Please refer to "Enable Multiple IPs Outgoing" for more details.

Add Client IP in HTTP Header: Whether to add the client IP in HTTP header. Note: If you want to stop CCProxy from adding the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header, please uncheck this check box.

Limit Multiple Login with Username: Please refer to "Limit Multiple Login with Username" for more details.


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