Youngzsoft CCProxy - Proxy Software for Windows
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Youngzsoft Products' Name Start from "CC"

Believe that many users are curiosity that why Youngzsoft products' name all start from "CC"? Now let us tell you the story.

According to our developing engineer, he said that at the very beginning, he wanted to create proxy product, when he built the project in visual C++, there's a class which called as "cproxy", after he finished the product developing and was ready to publish it, found that there was other product called "cproxy", he had to change the product name, then added a "c" letter to "cproxy", so there is "CCProxy". After that, all the Youngzsoft products start from "CC", which can read smoothly and is easy to remember. On the other hand, "CC" you'll not forget her, that's right, Princess Sissi, she is our favorite.

Whatever, hope you understand and love our explanation. And download Youngzsoft products to see see.

Proxy Software
Windows proxy software with Internet sharing and Internet access controlling
PXE Boot Server
Diskless boot WinXP, Win7, Win2003, Win2008 from an iSCSI target machine
Email Server
SQL Server based email server. Build LAN or Internet mail server easily
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